The Howling of Wolves – A Conversation with Paula Lofting
Paula Lofting has published two novels in her family saga featuring, among other well known figures (like Harold Godwinson), the fictional family of Wulfhere, a thegn in Saxon Britain. For the short story anthology Hauntings, Paula brings us a story that comes out of one of those novels, pulling a thread from one scene and following it to give us an “off stage” look at one event in her bigger novel. It’s backstory for a very life changing happening in the life of one character. So I invited Paula to have a conversation with me about the context of her novels and the story that developed from it for the…
An Interview with Tovi, Son of Wulfhere
I know you’re quite busy at the moment, Tovi, so I really appreciate the fact that you’ve stopped by for a visit. I’ve really enjoyed getting to know you in your first two books. In fact, you’ve become one of my favorite characters. But I’m suspecting a lot of people reading this interview right now won’t have read the books so won’t know who you are. I’d like to ask you a few questions to get to know you, if that’s alright? Gódne dæg, Stephanie. Thank you for letting me come and tell you and your readers about my world. First tell me about where you live. What your village…